Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quirk Off

I have read a few friends blogs and decide...what the heck...I will let out my quirks. So here goes nothing:

  1. I am a neat freak! My little saying 'Everything has a place and in its place is its place.' Example 1: If in a bin or plastic drawer MUST have a label on the outside of what it is. Example 2: If something is moved out of its place I have to straighten it back where it matter what! ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION, LOL
  2. If I am sleeping with someone else in the bed. That person has to sleep on the side by the door. Security purpose, I guess!
  3. Before going to bed at night...I have to make sure all doors are closed. Even the master closet/bathroom door. If any door is open and I know about it...I will not be able to go to sleep; I will have to get up and close it.
  4. I am a big planner! Everything I do must be planned. I can not just jump up one day and say...'Oh I feel like traveling here...' It all has to be planned. I guess it kind of makes since why my dream job is a Wedding & Event Planner!