Friday, July 31, 2009

Seven Things (Yup...bored at work!)

Directions: Write seven things about yourself (things people may not know about you).

1.) I have tried online dating.

2.) If I could go anywhere in the world on vacation I would choose...Italy! Being Italian and loving the whole culture; this is definitely my number one place to see and experience!

3.) I love to buy shoes and wear cute heels when I go out, but the second I'm home, I kick off my shoes and walk around barefoot. I never put on shoes unless I absolutely have to... in fact I'm sitting at my desk with my shoes kicked off right now. I keep them under my desk so I can slip them on quickly if anyone walks in my office.

4.) I spoil my dog too much that she is a brat now. People do not like to come over because she jumps on them, gets on the couch, and well is a bit too hyper. But I do not mind because the past few years have been pretty up and down for me. Prudence has always been there for me to lend her fur for me to hug or cry on!

5.) My dream job is to own my own Wedding Planning and Design firm (full-time).

6.) I am crazy (and when I mean crazy...I am obsessed) with the color Pink!

7.) I am addicted to Red Bull. I drink at least two a day! (A habit I am trying to break