Thursday, May 7, 2009


Now that I have been fully moved into my new place in Lewisville for a month the 'feeling like home' is starting to settle in. I absolutely love Lewisville. There is so much to, eating out, shopping, bars, and did I mention shopping (LOL, seriously does not help my bad habit of shopping, living in Lewisville). Along side what I live around, I love my apartment. It is small and quiet. The layout is wonderful and being on the third floor looking over a creek is great! Even my Prudence loves the balcony...she probably would spend hours on that thing if I allowed her too.

Here is a cute picture of her 'just chilling' on the balcony:

Both of my jobs are still going strong and great!

I am coming up on three years at full-time job. It is really crazy that I have been here this long. I never been at a company longer than a year and half. So seeing that I am still loving it as I did when I first started is a great sign!

Then working at wedding chapel has really opened to my eyes to what I love to do plus what I am 'gifted' to do. Not only am I working as a Wedding Coordinator, I have been helping out the owner with doing tours of our facility for new Bride and Groom's to use. Being able to connect with these new clients and show them our facility is so rewarding. Because I remember what it was like to plan a wedding and trying to figure out the best option and best deal. To be able to answer all their questions and be there for them during one of the most important times in their life, is a blessing!

Last but not boyfriend, Caleb. I always heard from so many people that when you are in love, you just know. A true manifestation of love is found in the level of commitment, trust, physical and emotional intimacy, and mutual attachment that you enjoy with your partner. Honestly, Caleb and I have this and both want to work on maintaining this! Caleb is a genuine nice, sweet, caring guy that has the same goals and wants in life as me. Plus he is a keeper...he loves to get me flowers (LOL):