Thursday, April 23, 2009

Growing Up

All of us want to grow up more and more as the years go on. We want to experience different aspects of life. By going through good times, happy encounters, tough events, or rough patches is what makes us who we are. Everyone is different in their personalities and traits than the next person. Example: some of us are better listeners because we went through a lot of instants where we needed to be a listener for someone who was in pain.

However, people are always going to be insecure about themselves. They will project that onto you in the form of jealousy, resentment, hatred, or whatever the case maybe, to fulfill their ‘self’ respect. But as the years go on you realize more about yourself and your surroundings. You learn how to control those insecurities and project a more positive mannerisms.

I have realized there are two types of people I want in my life. They are my close family and positive people. A few years back if you told me that in a few years I would be closer to my parents than ever before, I probably would have laughed in your face. But, today, I can honestly say…they are my support system, they are the ONLY ones that understand who I am and what I want to achieve in my life. Both of them do everything in their power to make sure they are always there for me in every way possible. However, it is really hard, now a day, to find someone that is truly positive with life in general. But those very few people in my life that are that way I can honestly say are my good friends. They are people that know what is right from wrong, good and bad. And, they, like me, want to have a successful, positive, Christian life.

I hope everyone that reads this really looks at their surroundings because we are living in a world full of ‘Me’ people. If we just take a step back and see ourselves or others being in a negative way...we need to start reevaluating.