Monday, February 16, 2009

Like, Love, Can It Be True?

After the past year I did not think love was in the books for me. But, after working so many weddings that the couples are on their second or third marriage; I realize that one day I would too can find the one that truly loves me for me and I love them for them.

Currently for the past few months I have been on I have always wondered about online dating so I decided to give it a try. I, of course, did not think in a million years that you could actually meet someone decent off line so my hoping was limited. After meeting a few different guys that were just weird and then a few that I didn't have any sparks with; I kind of put the idea of online dating off to the side (in my head). I did keep the account up and checked it once in a blue moon.

Then, one certain man I did spark a few conversations with though Match email. Then we chit chatted through personal emails, phone calls, and text messages. About a month after all that we decided to met. So Caleb and I met at Cozymel's in Grapevine. The date was amazing, food was good, drinks were great, but the conversations just seemed kept flowing between us. When the night ended we both knew there would be a second date. Soon enough another date came and we began to spend more and more time together. Ever since our first date we have not missed a day of talking or seeing each other. For once in my life, I am smiling every single day!

Last week was a rough week for me. It seemed work and other issues kept coming up that tried to bring me down from this happy high I had. When I woke up on Valentine's Day...I woke up to my phone stating I had an email waiting for me. I check the email and it was from Caleb and the subject line was Gift Certificate. As I pull it up I find that Caleb had sent me a Gift Certificate for a day at the spa (Pure in Dallas). Needless to say I had tears of joy and really didn't know what to say. This was the most sweetest and thoughtful thing anyone could do for me at this time. Then after my long hard day of working weddings, Caleb came over and we had a nice quiet evening together. We went to the grocery store, picked up food, cooked, and then cuddled up watching TV. Of course, the sweetheart, brought flowers too (cause no flowers on Valentine's Day is just

As of right now in my life...I didn't think I could like anyone else for a very long time. That was until I met Caleb. Everyday I am thankful to have him a part of my life...what will happen in the future between us, I do not know. But, currently, enjoying ever last second I have with this wonderful man.

Picture of the flowers I received from Caleb: